The mission of the Education Committee:
- Plan programs for the annual Spring Conference and Fall Institute that provide our members with opportunities for growth, training and knowledge enhancement; and, are inclusive of all jurisdictions regardless of size.
- Create opportunities for training through-out the year that may be accessed via webinar or at a regional location.
- Coordinate efforts with other OMFOA committees to facilitate their involvement at all training opportunities.
Members of the Education Committee are requested to choose one of the following sub-committees where they can share their expertise and enthusiasm:
- Accounting, Audit & Budget
- Banking & Technology
- Debt, Investments, Rates & Fees
- Management Topics
- Each sub-committee will be charged with specific topics per conference to coordinate speakers, session moderators/monitors and materials.
Most importantly, all Education Committee members are asked to offer their creative ideas in suggesting innovative topics of interest and to keep an eye out for great programs and speakers.